Bollywood’s youngest action superstar Tiger Shroff is not only known for his action sequences but has also entertained the internet audience with his signature dance moves many times. From ‘Whistle Baja’ to ‘Jai Jai Shivshankar’ to ‘Mast Malang Zoom’, Tiger Shroff’s dancing skills have taken the box office by storm. Tiger has launched its first-ever dance academy ‘Matrix Dance Academy’.
While Tiger Prole is an activewear and accessories brand and ‘MMA Matrix’ in many industries, this dance academy is a new step. Through ‘Matrix Dance Academy’, Tiger Shroff envisions spreading the essence of dance across the country by exploring the intricacies of various dance forms like jazz, hip-hop, ballet and others.
With this new venture, Tiger Shroff aims to provide aspiring actors with world-class coaching, expert guidance and an opportunity to shine on stage! As Tiger Shroff steps into this exciting new role, his audience eagerly anticipates the impact of his academy on the future of dance in India.
On the career front, Tiger Shroff is now all set to showcase #TheTigerEffect in its full glory in ‘Baaghi 4’.